Evening Program at Wish IOP

Regain control over your life with confidence and dignity through our integrated approach.

Evening Program

Conquer Your Addiction with Wish Recovery's Evening IOP.

Our evening intensive outpatient program (IOP) begins at 5:30 pm and is designed to fit around your work Our Our evening intensive outpatient program (IOP) begins at 5:30 pm and is designed to fit around your work schedule. Evening intensive outpatient program (IOP) begins at 5:30 pm and is designed to fit around your work schedule. We provide support to those struggling with alcohol or substance use disorders through weekly visits, group therapy sessions, and life skills classes. Our goal is to help you recover successfully while maintaining your daily routines.


At our Los Angeles outpatient location, we have a team of dedicated professionals who are committed to guiding you on your journey to recovery. We create an environment that fosters growth and healing while allowing you to continue with your daily responsibilities. We use a sophisticated, individualized, and integrated approach to support you during this challenging time and empower you with the skills and knowledge needed to foster a sustainable recovery. We aim to help you regain control over your life with confidence and dignity.


Recover on your terms with evening programs.

Wish Recovery's evening IOP is a specialized program that is designed to help individuals who have substance misuse issues but have daytime commitments. Our program offers flexible evening hours, allowing you to receive the support you need while maintaining your daily routine. We provide comprehensive programs that include weekly visits to our treatment center, group therapy sessions, and life skills classes, which support successful recovery and gradual reintegration into daily life.


At Wish Recovery, we understand that addiction recovery is not a one-size-fits-all journey. That's why we tailor our programs meticulously to meet your unique needs and circumstances, ensuring a path to sobriety filled with integrity. Our compassionate experts are here to guide you every step of the way, creating a nurturing environment where healing is not just possible but expected.


Reach your recovery goals without disrupting your daily routine.

Don't let work or school commitments hold you back from seeking help. Wish Recovery's evening IOP offers flexible treatment options that fit your schedule.


Our Los Angeles outpatient location is designed to provide flexible treatment options that fit your schedule. We understand that you have daily obligations to fulfill, and we respect that. Our compassionate experts will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan that accommodates your unique situation. You will receive tailored treatments that work around your schedule so you can prioritize your health and recovery without compromising on your daily responsibilities.


We are committed to supporting you on your journey to recovery with professionalism and understanding, making each step of the process manageable and meaningful. Trust us to guide you through this journey and help you achieve lasting recovery.


Take the first step toward healing with intensive, flexible care and attention.

Our evening intensive outpatient program offers comprehensive services, including group therapy, life skills classes, and peer support groups. Our program is designed to help you regain control of your life at your own pace in a serene and supportive environment conducive to healing.


We go beyond traditional treatment methods and leverage the latest advancements in addiction recovery and mental health to ensure that each individual's unique needs are met with precision and care. Wish Recovery’s commitment is to guide you on your journey towards wellness with empathy, expertise, and the highest level of professional excellence.


Regain control of your life with gradual reintegration and recovery.

Recovery is a journey, and finding a program that supports your transition back into daily life is crucial. With our evening IOP, you can gradually regain control of your life.


You can focus on your healing journey at our Los Angeles outpatient location. We understand your unique challenges and are committed to your recovery. Our program is tailored to meet individual needs and focuses on helping you overcome addiction and build a strong foundation for a fulfilling life. We combine thoughtful therapeutic approaches with luxurious accommodations to provide unparalleled care that fosters confidence, instills trust, and promotes long-lasting change.



Move towards a healthier and happier life with Wish Recovery's Evening IOP.

Get a Consultation Right Now! Call: (877) 689-6020

We are a group of professional and experienced psychologists and psychiatrists