Wish Recovery’s Blog Monthly Archives

November 2021

The Deadly Truth About Drinking and Driving

Many people believe that it’s OK to drink and drive because they are responsible people. But the truth is, getting behind the wheel after drinking alcohol can have devastating consequences for those around you, as well as yourself. Drinking and driving can have severe impacts on not just your safety but also others—from minor injuries to severe injuries to fines to jail time to death. Too many people believe in the fallacy of immunity that it can’t happen to them. Even if you’ve never had an accident because of drunken driving, it doesn’t mean that you aren’t responsible for other people’s lives when you drink and drive.

4 Ways a Residential Rehab Can Help You Cope with Relapse

Because of the varying degrees of substance use disorders (SUDs), many individuals suffer from addiction and alcoholism, which are the most severe manifestations of SUDs. Even after treatment, ONLY 40 to 60% of people who try to stop drinking or using drugs succeed. For many people, it is practically inevitable. This reality can discourage some, but relapse prevention like what you'll receive at residential rehab can help you develop coping skills to avoid or deal with triggers to use more flexibly and productively. This adaptability makes the chances of preventing a relapse more significant, and you'll be less likely to return to previous behaviors and substance use once you leave inpatient treatment.

Here are four ways your stay at a residential rehab can help you cope with or avoid relapse along your recovery journey:

Healing from Addiction with the Brain's Neuroplasticity

For decades, people thought that once the brain got damaged, it could not repair itself. However, scientists have found that the brain can regenerate neurons and form new connections in recent years. Researchers have also found out that if they can make old cells function better or produce new ones, they can slow down or even reverse many of the effects of aging on the brain.

The California Detox Difference

Detox, also known as withdrawal therapy, is the initial step for many individuals battling substance use disorders to manage their physical dependence on alcohol or drugs. It helps them improve comfortably before beginning a rehabilitation program. Even though Northern California has a few alternatives for inpatient or residential treatment, you’ll find most California treatment facilities in the southern part of the state. San Diego, Orange County, and Los Angeles are all now popular rehab locations.

Basic Details about NAD + Treatment in Addiction Recovery

When a person has an addiction to drugs or alcohol, substances alter their brain functions. With continued substance use, one of the body’s most essential molecules gets depleted. The molecule is NAD+. Addiction recovery is not impossible but, it can be difficult. With the aid of NAD+ treatment, a relatively new holistic IV infusion that boosts natural amounts of NAD+, recovery is not only more of a possibility. It promises to make recovery more successful and sustainable.

Am I an Alcoholic If I Binge Drink?

Drinking alcohol is popular among many people. From daily use to only special occasions, from social to binging, they differ from moderate to unhealthy use. Binge drinking and drinking too much alcohol can raise the risks of developing alcohol use disorder (AUD). Conditions encompassed within an AUD diagnosis include those associated with alcohol addiction, alcohol abuse, and alcohol dependence.